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Royal Canadian Circus Weekend

Sometimes weekends fly by. This one did. We were very busy, it seemed, which is unusual for us. Normally we try to keep weekends low-key. We all need the time to become hermits and recharge. I never regret saying no to weekend plans. That sounds awfully anti-social, doesn’t it? I think we are just so in tune to how we work now and, with the weeks being so busy, it is our only time to reconnect as a foursome. My little tribe of 4. I love us. As a result of our busy weekend, though, I can’t help thinking- “Monday, Already?!?”

This weekend we went to the Royal Canadian Circus on Saturday. A big top tent in the parking lot of a furniture store. It was decent! We had tickets from Josh’s boss and so we went. First circus for the kids. It was hot as blazes in there and Hunter said he couldn’t stand it while Izzy just became more and more grumpy by the second. The only thing she didn’t complain about was the heat, which was the real issue. Sometimes I see a glimpse of her as a teenager. Once the show came on, the kids were mesmerized. The trapeze artists kicked it off and Isabella said she wants to be them. Fearless now! There were old school clowns (think Buster Keaton or Three Stooges slapstick rather than wigs and white paint), horse riding, acrobats, magic, and more trapeze work. My favourite was the acrobats and the girl hula hooping. The whole time I was sitting there, I couldn’t help thinking, “I have to step up my workouts”. It made me become more determined than ever to do two pull-ups by summer’s end. (I am going to use the playground equipment to practice while my kids play, since I don’t have a bar at home).

In a ‘plot twist’ (as my husband aptly put it), the ringmaster became the star of the show! Who knew? We didn’t, that’s for sure. Usually, the ringmaster is the guy who can’t do, so narrates. Not here. He did the big ring at the end, walking on the outside of it, and juggling fire sticks on top of it.

Some of the real stars of the show were the workers on the sidelines, tightening the ropes that kept the equipment secure, and being the lift for the acrobat’s rope and swings. Without them, no one would be safe, and they were so seamless at their jobs! I tend to watch the behind the scenes happenings as well as the main show, so noticed their silent but awesome contributions.

Sunday I cleaned the house until 1pm, then went to meet with my “Bikini Body Guide”, or “BBG”, Meetup group. I was kind of dreading it. I have lost motivation for the workouts, so I haven’t been pushing myself and I wasn’t sure how I would do in comparison. We did a killer workout and I held my own! Not only that, but I felt the fire in my belly light up again and I feel motivated to push myself at home again. The girls and I hung out afterward for snacks and a quick chat, which was nice. Two of the girls won necklaces made by a local Calgary jeweler, Tribes+society. They’re really pretty necklaces and it was so cool to be supporting a local designer. Calgary is full of talented folks. It was another hot day, plus 27C, so I was a ball of sweat when I left. Then home to clean some more! By the end of the day I was sore and sweaty, so I crawled in to a bath. I made it fancy with candles from Superstore (Sea Grass and Vanilla scented, my favourite) and a Lush bubble bar. The Sunny Side bubble bar was a part of my Mother’s Day box set gift, and the shimmery gold water always makes me feel like a mermaid bathing in the glitter of her scales. They’re not lying when they say it will cheer you up after a long or disappointing day. I am glad I had a bath, or I would be even more sore today! Do any of you workout on the weekends, or do any outdoor activities then?

Okay moms, is it just me or is May and June INSANELY busy for us? I feel overwhelmed. I don’t know how to organize my time for it yet. My kids are too small to do all of the extra things on their own. Between practicing for concerts, extra reading, craft project needs, festivities, year end presents, school council obligations and the like, I kind of feel like I am barely keeping my head above water. I think it will be better next year as I will be ready for two kids in elementary school and Iz will be more self-sufficient. This year seems like a lot….too much even. Not to mention all the gardening and the birthdays coming up. Next year I will treat June like December- full of activity and celebrations- and be more ready for the flurry of activity and lack of free time.

Beyond me feeling overwhelmed, I can tell the kids feel the same. Izzy is 7 going on 13 all day every day. She sees the end of the school year the same way people would view the death of a loved pet. It IS an ending, so very similar, and she grieves it every time. She looks forward to the summer, of course, and I promised I would introduce her to our city this year, have a lot of stay-cations and play-dates, but it is still bittersweet. She knows she will have a shift in classmates next year, a teacher she doesn’t know and a change in routine. The whole thing makes her anxious and excited and unsure. So every year, we go through a bunch of moods. Despite the fact that I feel overwhelmed, I must put on a calm and brave face for my babies(who aren’t babies anymore!). I try to be a consistently calm presence during June, hoping to smooth out the kid’s nervous feelings about the school year ending and the unknown territory of the next school year. Every day, I hear that they will miss their teachers and classrooms. Another big change is happening in our school as well. The assistant principal is leaving to work at another school and my kids both adore her. The school will have another feel next year, and they aren’t sure if they are okay with it. I tell them that they will be and that change is a part of life; we have to learn to roll with it. A lot of emotions swirling around my house this time of year.

Thankfully, we updated Isabella’s room to a loft bed set-up that has a desk underneath. She crafts and journals and writes letters and -most of the time- draws whenever she feels over-emotional. Sometimes she just lays in her bed and reads. It was the best timing to get that bed set up. In her room, it is set up exactly right for her. In her bed, she feels transported to her own little private world. She needs that to get her bearings after an emotional or long day. Sometimes I have to enforce a little alone time when I see her getting wound up, but lately she has just announced to me, “Don’t plan anything for after school, Mom. I am going to need alone time.” When she gets home, she grabs a snack and crawls up in to her bed to read and listen to music. Chip off the old block, she is, but in her own special unique way. I can’t believe how much she has matured over the last year.

So our weekend was busy, but good. We didn’t regret committing to any of it and it was amazing to wake up in a spotless house this morning. I am off to do laundry. (#momlife) How about you?

As a side-note, I am intrigued by a company Kristen Bell is promoting and I wonder if I am the last person to hear about them. The company is Sun Cedar and you can read her Instagram post on it HERE.




Born in Saskatchewan, Tianna traveled a bit before settling on Calgary, Alberta, Canada in which to grow roots and raise her family. She enjoys reading, tea, crochet and hiking.

2 Comments on “Royal Canadian Circus Weekend

  1. Sounds like an amazing weekend!! I also love how going to BBG meetups gets me motivated to get back into routine and push myself at home!!! Also, I think you convinced me to go get some shimmery gold bath bombs…I want to feel like a mermaid! ?

    1. Did you ever go buy those bath bombs? It’s amazing what a tiny splurge like that can do….it makes me feel so pretty and optimistic to occasionally treat myself to that kind of thing.

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