• Royal Canadian Circus Weekend

    Sometimes weekends fly by. This one did. We were very busy, it seemed, which is unusual for us. Normally we try to keep weekends low-key. We all need the time to become hermits and recharge. I never regret saying no to weekend plans. That sounds awfully anti-social, doesn’t it? I…

  • School Time!

    My kids go back to school tomorrow. It’s insane how quickly the summer went by, but I guess that is what happens when you are on different road trips for 3/4 of it. I may have been a bit ambitious planning THREE different long distance trips in two months. Between…

  • Learning To Read

      My daughter is learning to read and is busy reading EVERYTHING. Packages, sign posts, lost posters, books, brand names…she sees, she reads. Yesterday she asked me what the word ‘bounding’ meant. The snow leopard went bounding through the snow. She wanted to know how to do that too. It…

  • My Daughter in a Nutshell

    I realize I never updated on the story I started the other day about the Girl on Girl Emotional Warfare.   Everything is fine now and it turns out Izzy was the instigator. The moment I put too much pressure on her at home to keep her writing tidy, she…