• How I Stay Motivated To Workout.

    What motivates me to workout is not what you think. Yeah, I want more energy and I want to look good in clothing…but those two things don’t keep me motivated long-term. They should. But they don’t. If I rely on that, well, I find myself on the couch, eating gluten-free…

  • Halfway to Banff….

    We are halfway through the week and it is almost time for me to go on my girl getaway! I am going to something called the Sweat Alberta Retreat with girls from my fitness group! If you are new here, I should backtrack. A year or two ago now, I…

  • I Am A Fitness Hopper.

    I took a fitness break to declutter using the Konmari method and, while it was worth it and a workout in itself (so many squats and lunges involved if you let it), I am not where I was at with my workouts. My ab workout today proved it. I wasn’t…

  • Being Attached to Fear.

    I get attached to STUFF. Sometimes it is the memory of buying it. The anticipation of it being yours. Or it is the memory of the person that gave it to you. If it was someone special or a defining moment in your relationship when you received it, that only…

  • Exploring Gut Health

    I will never take my health for granted again. I used to eat whatever I wanted, at any time of day, without a second thought. Now, I have a severe gluten-intolerance and I will never take my health for granted again. A couple of years ago, on my husband’s birthday,…

  • Breaking Through Workout Boredom

    I used to be under the impression that when you found a workout you liked, that got results, you stuck with it. Maybe, once you felt up to it, you added in some other activities on the side; spin class, hiking, rock climbing or soccer. Your daily grind would remain…