Tag Archives : memories

Memories of Getting the Mail With My Mom.

We are under a winter snow warning! This has been the snowiest winter I’ve seen in Calgary since I moved here in 2007. A lot of the snow has gathered on our trees and mailboxes, as you can see here, in the blue early morning light:     A lot of people hate that we don’t have door-to-door delivery anymore…

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Hello Kitty Snapchat Filter Makes Dreams Come True

Dreams can come true! When I was really little, maybe 5 or 6 years old, I was given a Hello Kitty colour-changing washcloth. Hello Kitty was in a hot air balloon with her pet cat. I remember thinking, “It’s so cool that the little girl dresses as a cat and HAS a pet cat!” Cuz why would a cat have…

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Little House on the Prairie Memories

When I was a child I read a lot of books about the past. I obsessed over Little House on the Prairie and Anne of Green Gables. My dresses from that time are a direct reflection of my tastes in literature. One is a brown dress with a peter pan collar and a small pattern of white flowers and small…

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Some Truths About My Past

Today is going to be a very self-indulgent post. I just have to get some facts straight and writing helps. I really thought about not posting this, but it is a part of me and I am generally just stating facts so there you go. Plus, I’m allowed to air my side of things. I have a voice and why…

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In Honour of Japan

I went on a ramble about Japan yesterday! And guess what Husband found in the back of the cupboard? A western version of a Japanese staple! It was given to me by one of my fave people on Earth and I meant to open it but then forgot. I have been snacking on it all day! So good.   It’s…

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Raising a Highly Sensitive Child.

Today was tiring. Hunter has an ear infection and his fever fluctuated between 101-103F today. He puked at 3am and again 3 times during the day. I set him up with shows on a laptop upstairs and a bottle of coconut water. He sat quietly and watched, saying it hurt too much to lay down and that was what was…

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I Used To Be So Cool

I used to be so cool. I’d wear my Dad’s work boots and climb trees with the boys. I used to be so cool. I used to play Little House on the Prairie, even when playing with boys and make them be the girl characters too.  I was very assertive and convincing. I used to be so cool that I…

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What “Winter” by Tori Amos Does to Me

“When you gonna love you as much as I do?”  Winter, Tori Amos. Sitting in my room and listening to Tori Amos makes me reflect on 13-year-old me that discovered her. Her video being featured on late night MuchMusic may have changed my life. Through my tough teenage years I fled to my room. I filled it with things that…

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The Power To Change?

People seem to pigeon-hole each other. I grew up in a small town and by the time I was ten years old my identity had been locked in. I was the shy and nice one. I was the shoulder to cry on occasionally. I tried to change my identity in my teen years but others would say “Oh, that isn’t…

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Bullying and the Link to Bad Posture

I was at my mom’s many moons ago, and I found the little books they let you make in grade school, even the special hard cover ones. I loved writing even then. But in grade 2,3,4 I was bright-eyed and confident in myself and my writing was courageous…brilliant even. I mean, it was small sentences in grade school language but…

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