Tag Archives : home life

Cat Cuddles and Cookies

It’s a cloudy and rainy morning. I’m currently curled up on our pink couch with Isabella and Kali-cat beside me, sharing cuddles. It’s one of those lazy mornings where you plot things to do from the couch, without the energy to actually do the plans. We want to bake- PB cookies and carrot cake and hummus. I would like to…

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Organizing what you love makes a house a home.

Organizing Collections and Letting Ideas Flow.

I am supposed to be working. I am supposed to be writing some articles to submit, paying my bills and doing my online course. But I can’t settle into it because my bookshelf is untidy. Also, I see a dust bunny on my floor, and my cabinet is too crowded. I’m having one of those scattered days where every little…

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The Konmari Method and Saving Money

On this cold day that feels like it will snow, I am inside doing laundry and reflecting on the state of my house, which I successfully ignored during the warmer months. It is a cluttered mess. Maybe not by some’s standards, but by mine it is. Even trying to find the right winter clothing has been painful….and, by the way,…

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The Damaging Sentence I Will Stop Saying to My Kids

Welcome Autumn, I missed you.   Is anyone else surprised that the leaves are changing “already”. I am. This is the time of year that change in nature is physically evident and I get antsy about changing things in my own life. One of those things I want to change is the way I word things, especially when it comes…

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A Day With My Kids.

Today is Monday. The schools here are having a PD Day, where teachers go to learn and the kids stay home from school. My kids ate breakfast for an extra hour and now are running around pretending to be Pokemon characters and dragons. They are hyper! Normally we would have struggled them in to their snow pants, coats, hats and…

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My Daughter Inspires Me

When was the last time you thought of a bigger goal than your own comfort? When was the last time you took time to protect your wellness and mental happiness? My daughter did each of those in two days straight and inspires me more every day. My daughter turned 7 years old yesterday. We threw a party for the Morison…

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The Terrible Twos are Back Again?

I love my kids. I feel I need to say that before I post this next thing. If someone were to threaten either one of them I would lift up a car and throw it at them, no problem. I would be so enraged my superhero strength would surely kick in. That said, my kids are little adults in training…

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My Daughter of the Active Imagination!

My Isabella has a new recurring nightmare. It has been a full week now. Thankfully our wonderful friend S. gave us LED lights that don’t get too hot and can be on all night. Life saver! We call them her “fairy lights”. I agreed she can keep them on at night until she feels the dream has passed. I also…

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Learning To Read

  My daughter is learning to read and is busy reading EVERYTHING. Packages, sign posts, lost posters, books, brand names…she sees, she reads. Yesterday she asked me what the word ‘bounding’ meant. The snow leopard went bounding through the snow. She wanted to know how to do that too. It makes my brain work in new and wonderful ways to…

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