Everything - Gluten-free Eating - Gut Health

Why I Am Suddenly So Concerned with Giving My Kids Healthy Breakfasts.

I had an epiphany this weekend. My kids came up twenty minutes after finishing breakfast and they were hungry already….and crabby.  I asked Isabella what she had eaten and she said, ‘an apple sauce and some cereal without milk’. I realized that what she had eaten was basically a sugar bomb and it was no wonder she was hungry! Now that we aren’t moving anymore, and that I’m mostly unpacked, it is time to get on top of things again. I decided we would have more filling breakfasts full of real food. I also decided I would carve out time to cook snacks from scratch, even if it ate up some of my evening and weekend time! So today was Day One. I made the kids a share plate. I chopped up some cheese, tomatoes, apples, oranges and meat, then added some pieces of Melba toast crackers. I knew Hunter wouldn’t eat them, but I gave Isabella some hard-boiled eggs on the side. Once I served them, they ate it so quickly, and with such enthusiasm, that I barely had time to get a photo. (Sorry about the quality, I had to use my flash since my family doesn’t do bright light in the morning).


I also encouraged them to raid the leftovers in the fridge with the declaration that, “Breakfast has no rules!” to which they giggled. Both Isabella and Hunter were overjoyed to have something different for breakfast and ate like tiny kings. Isabella said she felt really full and Hunter was more cheerful than I have ever seen him in the morning. They kept asking what the special occasion is- haha! Tomorrow I am going to make refined-sugar free muffins and some homemade crackers. Hopefully they work! I find that Isabella’s depressive thoughts and dramatic mood swings decrease a lot when we eat better, plus Hunter’s sensitivity to outside stimuli such as noise and light goes down. I am back on Week One of the Gut Makeover, so we have been eating a ton of vegetables and really good quality, antibiotic and hormone free meat. I am seeing a difference in the kids already. And here is hoping it gets rid of my “eye dandruff” (Google it, it’s a real thing….and itchy and can get painful). Moving threw us all under the bus, so to speak, but we are slowly getting back on track.


I am using the recipes from the books, Deliciously Ella and The Gut Makeover. I am also going to take a look at the website Hemsley and Hemsley for delicious recipe ideas. If you have suggestions on other ones I should try, please let me know! We are aiming to find recipes that are gluten-free, grain free and refined sugar free. Any help in my hunt is appreciated.


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Born in Saskatchewan, Tianna traveled a bit before settling on Calgary, Alberta, Canada in which to grow roots and raise her family. She enjoys reading, tea, crochet and hiking.

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