I am going to continue my Discovering YYC series this month to help all of you fellow Calgarians and Canadians to shop more locally this holiday season. These are all businesses I have come across that have impressed me. I am continually awed by the talent of young entrepreneurs in our growing city. So much talent right in my backyard, so to speak, and I get really excited to do these features.

Next we have a company that I also met at the Hallow’s Eve event in October. I was blown away by the passion and knowledge with which she presented her products. I didn’t buy anything that day, but I am about to place an order for her natural deodorant and maybe her toothpaste. I am also intrigued by anything that helps with muscle soreness – I know all of my fellow “fitties” are in agreement there! Read on to get more information about this charming lady and then hop on over to her website to place an order…


Alicia, Founder of Green Butterfly Co.

Babbling Panda: What is your name and where are you from?

Alicia: I am Alicia from Airdrie, AB,  so pretty close to Calgary. I moved here from Malaysia when I was 9 years old. I visited Malaysia in 2007 and I hope to go back soon. It’s beautiful there.

BP: What is the name of your company and what kind of products do you sell?

A: I own and operate Green Butterfly Co.- I sell natural bath, body and home products.

BP: What inspired you to start selling these kinds of products?

A: I was always making my own products up in my kitchen, just to keep it natural and lighten my family’s toxic load. I like to know exactly what is in anything I am using, whether it is food or a cleaning product- anything that is going on or near our bodies. I also care a great deal for the environment and what we are putting out there. I had many requests from friends to please make for them what I was making for myself; deodorant, toothpaste, laundry detergent…lots of things. After lots of requests it only made sense to start a little business.

BP: What inspired your beautiful company name?

A: The name was so hard to choose! I just liked the sound of it and have always had a thing for butterflies, the symbolism and the actual species is just so beautiful.

BP: What is your favourite product from your current line? What is it that makes it your fave?

A: That is a hard question! I love my foaming sugar scrubs; they smell amazing, are totally natural, and make your skin silky smooth (2 oz. is $10).  I can’t live without my tooth powder though, made with a natural dry clay and baking soda base with essential oils for flavour. I could never switch back to conventional toothpaste! And of course my deodorant! It works, is totally clean, smells amazing, and I just love it!

BP: What keeps you inspired to create new products?

A: I love nature, creating, growing….I have so many ideas all of the time. It’s hard to just slow down and choose one at a time to work on. I’ll never stop!

BP: What is a favourite scent or essential oil you love to use?

A: Sandalwood is so great-  I also love frankincense, patchouli, neroli…bergamot! I love mixing juniper berries in with my stuff too. Oh! Copaiba is so nice too! Copaiba is an oleo resin from South America. It is powerful in reducing pain and inflammation. It has a slightly sweet, woodsy and earthy smell that I just love! As a crossfit athlete, I have used it for years on my sore muscles! (Alicia teaches Crossfit and Yoga, as well as running her small business.)

BP: I know you’re a busy mom of a six-year-old, so I am wondering what your beauty regime is like on a typical day.

A: Pretty simple, I like to wash my face and use argan oil on it. I use my tooth powder, deodorant, and in summer I add some sunscreen, while in winter some body butter. Of course, I wear chapstick all year!

BP: Why do you feel people should avoid chemically-laden products?

A: For health concerns and environmental concerns. Without chemicals in your products you will give your body less stress on a daily basis and stop poisoning our water supply.

BP: I am sure everyone can agree with that! Beyond work, what is your fave activity or way to unwind?

A: I am a yoga teacher and a crossfit coach, so lots of both! I love to go hiking and garden.  I cook a lot and have a small family to look after….I am a very busy and happy person.

BP: What is your favourite spot in Calgary?

A: I like to visit Inglewood in Calgary since some of my favorite restaurants and shopping places are there. But I also love Junction 9 yoga, Silk Road Spice Merchant…lots of fun for me!!

BP: Oh, we love the Silk Road Spice Merchant store as well. They have so many amazing spices! What is one fun thing people should know about you?

A: No matter how clean my diet or how much I workout, I always have a small glass of red wine in the evening. My vice?

BP: If people want to reach out to you and buy your products, what are ways they can get a hold of you?

A: I am super active on my Facebook page ( www.facebook.com/greenbutterflyco) and I have an online store for shopping (greenbutterflyco.com).  They can give me a call, e-mail me, or send me a message on FB anytime!


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