If you live in Calgary, have you heard of Ghouls Night Out at Heritage Park? Have you ever gone?

It’s a fun little Halloween event put on by the park and is great for all ages. We have gone for a few years now…I want to say four or five years in a row, since Hunter was really tiny. My kids look forward to it all year! We make sure to have their costumes ready and they dress up for it. It’s really fun to walk around the park and look at all the guests dressed up, from adults to children. The Heritage Park employee’s costumes are elaborate affairs and it’s neat to see guests and employees costumes blend together in a true celebration of Halloween.
This year, the layout of events was much better planned! It flowed a lot better. Since we go every year, we have noticed that the events have been identical the last couple of years. This year they had some fresh games, crafts and events, which was great for us! The games in the Carnivale building were a highlight; way more fun this year and it was easier to get to each one. The kids had a blast. We skipped the crafts this year, but went to as many other things as possible.
We danced with a witch in the schoolhouse, talked to a venus fly trap, outsmarted a werewolf and decorated cookies. The kids played carnival games, flew with a raven, danced under a disco ball and met C-3P0. It was a blast, but I think photos explain it better than words. My photos were all taken with my phone, but I think they turned out pretty good, considering. Enjoy!

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