Tag Archives : all natural

Discovering Green Butterfly Co.

I am going to continue my Discovering YYC series this month to help all of you fellow Calgarians and Canadians to shop more locally this holiday season. These are all businesses I have come across that have impressed me. I am continually awed by the talent of young entrepreneurs in our growing city. So much talent right in my backyard,…

Diva Cup Review

Okay girls, let’s talk about our period. Specifically, how we stop the flow. Over the years I have tried a lot of the brands of pads and tampons, even OB which comes without an applicator. Which kind of grossed me out, so it makes no sense that I would try the Diva Cup. But yet….   Every month I curse…

Maca Powder Side Effects

Always do your research before trying something new. Even if it is a natural material or vitamin. Maybe, especially if. I didn’t read about what side effects eating maca powder raw could have, and I really should have. I started taking maca powder raw in my coffee or smoothie to help regulate my periods and clear up my skin. It…

Maca Powder Works?

So I read this post:   http://ohdeardrea.blogspot.ca/2013/09/maca-everyday-recipe.html   And it may have changed my life. My skin is usually really bad. As soon as I tried maca the way she did, it changed. It isn’t perfect but it is getting to be the skin I always wanted, thanks to maca and the coveted Clarisonic Mia 2 that I use every…