You could rent roosters from the library. Each one of them had a coloured tag that clipped around their leg in a little circle. My rooster had a green one. I scanned his little green tag and left the library to head home.
Once I got home, a neighbour greeted me and wanted to talk. So, I put down my library rooster to shift the books from my tired arm to the other side, so we could chat for a minute. I went to pick the rooster up again and he was gone!!
I excused myself, stuck my books in my mailbox and went to look for him. The rest of the dream, I was searching alleyways and between houses. I often saw 4 or 5 roosters hanging out, all with bare legs (are they called legs?) and no green tag.
The rest of the dream was spent looking for my library rooster and I never found him. I woke up sad and stressed- worried that the program would be stopped because of irresponsible rooster borrowers, like I had been!
Once I was fully awake, I realized it had been a dream and I started to laugh!
What’s your latest weird dream?
I’d love to hear some wild dreams in the comments! Share this post if it made you smile. 🙂
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