November Means Christmas Planning

Today feels like a Sunday. In our adorable fourth floor walk-up townhouse (that means stairs between every floor, if you’re wondering), my family is busy doing various things. My Husband worked from home today and the kids are home sick from school, which totally made it feel like a Sunday. We all spent most of the day in our pajamas (mine were pink plaid Hello Kitty ones, if you’re wondering) and the kids watched a lot of movies. My poor girl Izzy is suffering from a terrible cough and sore throat and now my poor boy Hunter has the cough and a fever. Ugh. ‘Tis the season for germs I guess. They watched an oldie but a goodie today- Mary Poppins! One of my all-time fave movies. I am a huge Dick Van Dyke fan. Such a talented person. And Julie Andrews! Enough said, right? And the rest of the cast shone too. The kids really enjoyed it, sitting on our brightly coloured striped couch in the basement. It folds out in to a bed so the Husband folded it out and covered it in pillows and blankets for them to snuggle under. It looked really comfy and I would have joined them if I wasn’t buried in a pile of unfinished laundry. Sigh. I know that cleaning and stuff can wait cuz children grow up and all of that but we are all running out of shirts and underwear so I think I’ve procrastinated long enough.

Speaking of ’tis the season- it’s November already!!!! ACK. I am making hand-made gifts for the majority of my Christmas list and I am not even halfwaDSC00188y. I have to become a one person factory and NOW. Progress was slowed when I picked an impossibly bad crochet pattern off of the internet. New one picked and time to get a move on. My productivity has to rise 300%. I wish I was magic. Like Santa’s elves. I dunno tho, are they slave labour? I know they have fun and all but how many really WANT to be there? I mean, really. And ARE they magic, or is Santa the only magic one. And why, oh why, am I wondering about this?

Well my sick little girl has summoned me. She needs me to come to her pretend restaurant and eat pretend food. A very low energy, low key game. She has almost lost her voice and I expect that this game will last all of ten minutes before she feels too rundown to go on and asks me to put on another movie. I bet she asks for The Lego Movie or Studio Ghibli’s Ponyo.


Izzy's hidey hole

Izzy’s hidey hole

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