Every Sunday, I tentatively plan my week. Every day, I plan the daytime hours while the kids are at school. I have to or the bathrooms would never get clean, blog photos and posts would never get done and I would just wander around lost. I’m not a morning person, but if I’m not productive in the morning, the kids are home from school before I know it and I haven’t gotten anything done! Any parents with me on that?
Since I hate mornings so much, I am always glad I have a plan written out when I wake up.
So this week, I had a really good plan. I blocked out time for writing, cleaning, decluttering, and photos.
Today was cleaning. I woke up tired and unmotivated but determined!
My morning started with my daughter telling me the cat had pooped in FRONT of the litter box, which she usually does when it’s dirty. So, before I had even eaten breakfast, I was down there emptying it out so I could take the litter to the garbage on the walk to the school bus. I also started to soak the empty litter box to get rid of the smell. I get it, Kali, I wouldn’t want to use a bathroom that smells either.
Once I got home from dropping the kids off, I was determined to just get going and get it done. Cleaning day is not my fave and I was hoping to get it out of the way and have time to write as well. Optimistic, I know.
I started with dishes but stopped halfway in to make coffee: Which I took out my can opener to grind. Urgh. Once I had sorted that out, I was wiping the kitchen table when I heard a crash. The pot drying in the sink had shifted and crashed! It managed to take a plant down with it and crack the garbage lid.
It is 9:15 am and, so far, I’ve managed to accidentally melt a plastic container, try to use my can opener to grind coffee (obviously need the coffee!), cracked my garbage can lid, spilled water into the cupboard and had to clean up a spilled plant (there is still dirt and rocks all over my kitchen floor!), and scared the cat.
Maybe I should just go back to bed?? Mornings are so hard, sometimes!
Can you relate?
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