Tag Archives : weight loss

The Thing I Did to Help My Gut.

As you know, my gut was in bad shape. I think the combination of taking maca powder for too long (you can read about that here) and then the food poisoning that happened a year or two later didn’t help. My eagerness to take antibiotics for every ailment stripped my gut lining and the food poisoning that lasted 7-9 days…

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I’m on Day 5 of The Gut Makeover!

I have a hard-working husband, an anxious kid, a sensitive kid and a neurotic cat (she likes being slapped on the butt, (seriously!), which makes me wonder about her past life, but more on another time). I didn’t need a leaky gut on top of all of that. It’s so broken that I am constantly fatigued and in constant pain.…

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Book Review: Inspire Transformation by Naomi Teeter

Inspire Transformation is a weight loss book. You’re going to be disappointed when you read this book, if you expect to be told exactly what to do. Naomi Teeter (of  MindBodyGreen  fame) lost 125 lbs and has kept the weight off for five years. That’s a whole lot of years people.     Her weight loss book is going to…

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This week was so hectic that when Friday night rolled around I felt I “deserved” my one drink of the week. But, instead of using sense, I found the biggest glass I could and poured the whole bottle in to it. What fun, right? I sat up with my husband and watched a movie. Popcorn, some dark chocolate and wine.…

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