Tag Archives : bullies

How To Deal with Toxic People

Friends, we have all dealt with toxic people before. In our workplace, random strangers, our family, our friend group, our schools…. and introverts or overly sensitive and kindhearted people are the easiest targets. It’s a jungle out there, and we all are slaves to our cave-person tendencies. Toxic people are predators that can sniff out a willing victim from miles…

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Bullying and the Link to Bad Posture

I was at my mom’s many moons ago, and I found the little books they let you make in grade school, even the special hard cover ones. I loved writing even then. But in grade 2,3,4 I was bright-eyed and confident in myself and my writing was courageous…brilliant even. I mean, it was small sentences in grade school language but…

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Recommended Article About Bullying

Here is an article about how to deal with conflict as a female. Specifically, girl on girl bullying. It happens a lot and sometimes in ways that are subtle but just as damaging.  Bullying between girls can get nasty and cyber-bullying is a very real threat now. The article mentions bullying through Twitter and why it is way meaner to…

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