Have you ever wondered if you would look good in a wig? (The answer, btw, is, Yes, you would). I recently started to wear the occasional wig and I love it. There are a lot of cheap beginner options online, so I thought I would share a quick guide.
I normally have a pixie cut but the colour constantly changes, since I get bored really easily! The constant change of colour (with the bleaching that often occurred, yikes!,) was really wrecking my hair. I don’t want to have super thin hair when I’m older or have my hair give up and fall out now!
A pixie cut of many colours!
My interest in wigs was piqued when I saw so many women on Instagram wearing them! One person would rock different styles on one page, almost looking like a new version of herself each time. It made them look so glam and mysterious.
These ladies wearing wigs could find a different side of themselves every day: without the bleaching and cutting and colouring of their own hair. I was especially jealous of the longer styles! My hair is so heavy that it gives me a headache when I grow it out and grows OUT, not down. (Hello, triangle head, even with layers).
I bugged those women for information, making sure to admit how much I admired their bold style and willingness to change up their style! Although I am still very much a beginner and haven’t branched out into lace fronts or wig glue, I can tell you what I’ve learned so far. Maybe you, too, could buy a couple of cheap wigs online and change up your style for fun!
Here’s a couple of things I’ve found: – with longer wigs, I would definitely get a mix of human hair with synthetic so that it tangles less- start with wig cap wigs, in a shorter style, to get used to them- with shoulder length wigs, synthetic hair is fine and lighter to wear- follow the instructions to get a separate brush and cleaner for them.
I have these wigs:
Kalyss Women’s Short Imported Heat Resistant Mix Dark Brown Yaki Syntheic Hair Wig

Synthetic Hair Wig for Women Blonde Unicorn light brown Curly Hair Wigs

( I recommend these wig companies. Good customer service. )
… and I bought cheap wig stands to store them. There are so many options, that you just have to use personal preference to choose.
There are TONS of YouTube videos, but I found these ladies the most helpful. They have a video for every wig question. I watched this video a lot when I was first learning to wear my wig:
Most wigs need a styling once you get them. They make bangs extra long to accommodate different forehead lengths, and most are now made on a machine so come out looking a little boxy or flat.
To fix this, you need a hairstylist that understands wigs and is patient enough to take a little off at a time. If you live in Calgary, Alberta, the hairstylist Will is amazing at cutting wigs AND comes to your house.
He came to mine and was a true professional.
He has a page here:
Or you can cut it yourself. I checked around Calgary and there aren’t many people that cut wigs. I think I found one store and that was it.

Also, you will want to check out:
Wig brushing tips
Wig types and ways they can be styled
There is a girl on Instagram that makes collars for shirts. She wears wigs in almost every photo! I actually scrolled through to see how different wig lengths would sit, since it’s easier to compare on the same photo and Amazon is a jungle. Her name on Instagram is magnus_clothing_co.
For your first wig ever, I would start with a shorter synthetic wig with just a simple wig cap and see how you feel. Then go on from there: to human hair or perhaps lace front!
If you do choose to buy one, I’d love to see a photo. 🙂
Thank you very much for sharing, I have a new understanding of buying wigs