Gluten-free Eating

What I Learned Eating Whole Food For One Month

When I started a month ago, I had no idea if eating whole food would make a difference. Fortunately, it did!

I thought that eating no processed food would be really difficult, but with just a little bit of planning ahead, I was easily able to avoid it and eat whole food instead. Now, I don’t crave the chips, sugary snacks and crackers I used to. Instead, I started to reach for fruit or veggies, homemade hummus or nuts as a snack. At first, I was very gassy! I think just the rapid upping of fiber intake hurt me a little. But it did even out, thankfully.

Baked oatmeal or eggs in the morning replaced gluten-free boxed cereal. The slow cooker also saved my butt quite a few times and it left us with a fair bit of leftovers to use during the week for lunches.

Ultimately, I learned to shop the outer aisles of the grocery store, plan ahead a little and embrace whole “real” food. I have become more inventive with salads and have learned how to snack more healthfully.

It was weird, at first, to not reach into the cupboard for snacks out of a box. Now the veggie drawer and I are “homeys” – haha. We will see if I can do this from now on. I feel better and I really love what is going into my food since I am making it from scratch.

Also! It was good to find out that coffee hurts my skin, certain beans and lentils bug me, and I can’t handle too many bananas in one week. All very useful to know!

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Have you tried eating clean?

Do certain foods bug you, too?

Comment and share if you feel like it!


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Born in Saskatchewan, Tianna traveled a bit before settling on Calgary, Alberta, Canada in which to grow roots and raise her family. She enjoys reading, tea, crochet and hiking.

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