Tag Archives : motivation

Giving Less of A F*ck.

In 2018, I’m making some changes. Not resolutions. But big changes out of necessity. My body can tell when I’m unhappy and depressed- it gives up on me. My skin gets bad, my knees give out, colds last forever, my muscles hurt and my sleep suffers. I am a mess. I am sick of being a mess. So, 2018 is…

I Am A Fitness Hopper.

I took a fitness break to declutter using the Konmari method and, while it was worth it and a workout in itself (so many squats and lunges involved if you let it), I am not where I was at with my workouts. My ab workout today proved it. I wasn’t able to do the moves as controlled as I could…

Deliciously Ella’s Oat Bars

As you know, I have to stay gluten-free. Most of the time I just troll the internet for gluten-free recipes that may or may not work. I rarely buy cookbooks, but when I saw the cookbook “Deliciously Ella” in the discount section at Chapters, I knew I had to have it! I recognized her name from her blog, which I…

Being Attached to Fear.

I get attached to STUFF. Sometimes it is the memory of buying it. The anticipation of it being yours. Or it is the memory of the person that gave it to you. If it was someone special or a defining moment in your relationship when you received it, that only makes it more special. I have tons of “special” moments…

Music You Can Work Out To

It’s Friday! I am exhausted. What a long week we had. I did a LOT of volunteering at the kid’s school, which meant my writing took a back seat (which I hate), but the kids loved it. I will post about my Children’s Festival and library adventures on Monday for you all to read, once I’ve had time to process…

How To Find Your “FitFam”

It is raining outside after a long week of harsh heat and sunlight. Here in Calgary, we were not accustomed to the sudden heat. Spring to sudden desert-like weather made most of us cranky! Now it is, mercifully, gray and raining. The weather is cool and the ground is getting the moisture it so desperately needs. I have been dragging…

My Fitness Journey- The Rest of It (So Far)

Happy Friday! This last week I used PMS as an excuse to not work out as hard or with full effort. I don’t know if any of you girls have used that excuse to avoid fitness, but I just did! Not a great one, I admit it. I did my workouts but sort of half-heartedly. I did yoga a couple…

Mental Fitness

I recognize this tight, dry, squeezing feeling in my chest. I recognize this smell of sweat and tightened brow. I recognize this headache. It’s you, Stress. You are not welcome back. You come for the oddest reasons and you out-stay your welcome. There are many reasons for you, most of them my own fault. You see, I get stressed for…

Struggles and Goals.

This year, 2016, seems like it has had a strong start. There have been sudden deaths (both celebrities(David Bowie was hard to hear about), and the elderly in my friend’s families, which was heartbreaking), but there has also been a lot of rebirth and strength—and even a few exciting actual births (twins!). I feel as if I was in a…

My “New” Journey

I am an arrogant idiot. There, I said it. Or I was. I was one of those “I looked up some fit quotes and ten articles about fitness, and now I know everything” assholes. Well then, if I know everything, why was I yo-yoing between 10 lbs from a healthy weight to 60 lbs away from it for years? Why…