Tag Archives : anecdotes

November Means Christmas Planning

Today feels like a Sunday. In our adorable fourth floor walk-up townhouse (that means stairs between every floor, if you’re wondering), my family is busy doing various things. My Husband worked from home today and the kids are home sick from school, which totally made it feel like a Sunday. We all spent most of the day in our pajamas…

Respect for a Squirrel

I have a confession to make. Well two I guess. I don’t really like squirrels. But I have a lot of respect for one. I dislike most rodent-like or rodent animals. There are exceptions. I had a school friend who owned a large white rat and when I looked in to her pink eyes, I fell in love. She used…

Summer Bucket List

Never mind New Year’s Resolutions. Spring is it. Spring is the season when we all renew our vows to ourselves that we will become fitness gurus. Just now the timeline has shortened. We realize in a panic that since our Christmas bingeing we did not keep our promise to ourselves to stick to the detox/get a personal trainer/run ten miles…