Tag Archives : wife

The Stars Winked, They Knew It Too

eight years ago. pasta and potatoes at every meal empty pockets; only food that fit my budget.  in a new city, needing a rebirth, living out of my suitcase, on the wrong side of the tracks. early mornings, up to catch the train. i watched drug deals happen and turned my face against the icy Spring wind that was trying…

October- No Longer A Depressing Month

I used to dread October. I saw it as the end of everything. October seemed like September’s dirge song. (Is dirge song a repetitive statement?) On top of that, I was always broke in October, so the planning for Halloween festivities depressed me. Every twenty year old knows that Halloween costumes aren’t free, and going out that night is going…

Two Minute Love Poem

Yours Forever. I want to make                      out with you in alleyways- I want to trace your cheek with the        tip               of                          my                                       finger. I want to lace my heart with yours forever. Our hands         always         held before we jump in to each other.

Staycation in Downtown Calgary

It is Wednesday already! Where did Monday and Tuesday go? I have been frantically working and crocheting presents. I have to get them all ready to mail before the 11th so the pressure is on. Every time I think I have a free second it gets filled up by work, laundry, Xmas parties, chores, sick days. This weekend was a…