• Whole Food Diary April 16-20

    How can it be mid-April already!?!?!? I can’t believe I’ve been doing this for two weeks already-And I love that this food diary is keeping me accountable. I hope it isn’t too boring to read. I’ve noticed that eating whole food means my skin is slowly clearing. I still need…

  • Whole Food Diary: April 9-13

    It is week 2!! I am working on eating whole real food and cutting out processed food or added sugar. I’m more focused and determined this week. I am keeping this food diary to keep me accountable and let you know what I ate in those weeks. Hopefully I can…

  • April Eating Challenge Food Diary: Apr. 02-08

    Hello beautifuls. As I stated in this post HERE, I have decided to get my food choices back on track for April with an eating challenge. I’m being quite restrictive for this month, but there are no hard rules, more like guidelines. I promised to keep you updated on my…

  • Community Shared Agriculture and a Salsa Recipe

    I love our Community Shared Agriculture farm. We picked Eagle Creek Farms which is close to Calgary, AB, and is run by Farmer John and his family. They deliver the veggies and herbs weekly to a nearby farmer’s market. I don’t have a garden or a yard and a potted plant…