Tag Archives : poem

I Grew Magic in My Womb

Although motherhood is hard, and we all like to share the “realness” of it, I thought I would explore the other thing we feel. I’m talking of the awe, wonder and unconditional love for these amazing beings we created. Every day, my kids see and create magic. Since a poem seemed the most natural way to explore these feelings, here…

Two Minute Love Poem

Yours Forever. I want to make                      out with you in alleyways- I want to trace your cheek with the        tip               of                          my                                       finger. I want to lace my heart with yours forever. Our hands         always         held before we jump in to each other.

Distant. Always.

A poem I wrote.   Distant. Always.   I had my guard up. I raised my fists high. I raged.   I was all alone; There was no one to fight But I fought til I was drained   I am all alone still, Fists clenched at my sides, No fight left in me.     My tears could fill…

A Poem For My Husband

Trying my hand at poetry again. It’s not that great but I love the sentiment and the man who inspired it so here goes. Yes, it’s a love poem- very original, hey?  It’s just that I used to write poetry in my troubled teens and writing of angst is so much easier. My Anchor You are my rock. No. No,…