Tag Archives : mommy moment

My Crazy Week.

Well, everyone I have talked to has a crazy busy week. Did we all put off tasks until after Thanksgiving? (Hi, Fellow Canadians!) For me, it is just how the week stacked up. I have a million appointments, volunteering at my son’s school all week, a bunch of shopping to do, a birthday party to shop for, laundry to do…

The Guilt of Not Working

Being a stay-at-home mom is a job. Actually, it is many jobs. Without breaks. Or bonuses. It is the hardest job I have ever done, and I have had 3 jobs at once. So why do I feel so guilty?   I think the image I found above is fairly accurate. (Thank you, internet.) Except in the last picture have…

My Favourite Fairytales

My kids love fairy tales. My son, who is nearly 5, especially. My daughter prefers realistic stories about animal life in nature. My son loves the fantasy and bravado of fairy tales. He loves that an amazing miracle or something comedic can happen at any moment. When my son was two years old he began to love Disney and fairy…

Isabella’s Room Redecoration

I love decorating. Often it is more crowded and organized chaos, nearly bohemian, than most people’s tastes. This time I decided to be more clean, straight forward and focused. My mother-in-law generously offered to take the children for 6 days for Husband and I’s wedding anniversary present. Although we carved out some time for a date night (we saw “The…