Hello friends. How are you this Monday? Over here, we are still adjusting to the new schedule. I don’t know if I mentioned it, but my husband just got a new job (yay!!), and he started last week. It turned our whole schedule upside down. Our weekend was super busy…
The Damaging Sentence I Will Stop Saying to My Kids
Welcome Autumn, I missed you. Is anyone else surprised that the leaves are changing “already”. I am. This is the time of year that change in nature is physically evident and I get antsy about changing things in my own life. One of those things I want to change…
Izzy Heals A Head Wound Which Motivates me to Workout Again
I kicked it back in gear this week and started getting up for my morning workout routine, after I stopped. It felt like starting over again! It is the first week I have given it my all since we went on vacation in March. It was tiring and hard to…
It’s All About the Wording. How We Can Change Our Parenting Strategy.
I had a thought the other day. In our front hall is a mess of coats and shoes and at the end of this controlled chaos is a spot for the kid’s backpacks. Just behind that is a lovely wall adorned with a mirror, three lovely art prints and…