Tag Archives : (for the) spirit

A Betta Fish That Can Dance

My daughter LOVES (with a capital LOVES) animals. She begged me for a pet for quite awhile. We already have two cats, so it would have to be something small and something my landlord would approve of. I considered a hedgehog but there were several factors that didn’t work for that. The landlord may not approve, the cage would be…

How To Deal with Toxic People

Friends, we have all dealt with toxic people before. In our workplace, random strangers, our family, our friend group, our schools…. and introverts or overly sensitive and kindhearted people are the easiest targets. It’s a jungle out there, and we all are slaves to our cave-person tendencies. Toxic people are predators that can sniff out a willing victim from miles…

Green Tea Vs Coffee

  I have been trying something new. I am hopelessly addicted to coffee but I have been trying to cut down, as I have a very sensitive system. Thank goodness for green tea! I have cut down my caffeine consumption to two cups in the morning, and the occasional third cup in the afternoon before 2pm. I try anyway. This…

Early Resolutions

I have already been thinking of changes I want to make in my life. My life has been so busy that I haven’t had time to sit down and give myself a moment. Sadly, meditation has also fallen by the wayside. My mind’s thoughts always seem to start with, “If I had a bit of time I would…” so I…

A Poem For My Husband

Trying my hand at poetry again. It’s not that great but I love the sentiment and the man who inspired it so here goes. Yes, it’s a love poem- very original, hey?  It’s just that I used to write poetry in my troubled teens and writing of angst is so much easier. My Anchor You are my rock. No. No,…