Hey! We have been sick. Tis the season, I guess. (You get the flu! And you get the flu! And you get the flu! -haha) My kids threw up for 3 days straight, a break of a couple days, then again threw up for a couple of days. Despite early…
Being Sick and Parenting
Last week I had to pretend I had super powers. Being very sick and feeling like a zombie, I lurched myself through the week in a daze. Twice I nearly fell asleep in my lunch, and Hunter had to ask me what I was doing, and if I was looking…
November Means Christmas Planning
Today feels like a Sunday. In our adorable fourth floor walk-up townhouse (that means stairs between every floor, if you’re wondering), my family is busy doing various things. My Husband worked from home today and the kids are home sick from school, which totally made it feel like a Sunday.…