I was as disappointed as Isabella that she was starting her first year of high school- Grade 7(!)- during COVID-19. We are cautious over paranoid, so it wasn’t fear that was getting to us. And both my daughter and I were aware the precautions existed for good reason (shoutout to…
Family Rules Printable
With the whole family all working or completing schoolwork in the same house, rules have become more important.
Wintery Botanical Prints: Transitional Decor to Get You to Spring
The simplistic elegance of botanical prints also makes them easy to style. They are often seen in....
Lost Prairie Guest Ranch Visit
My family went off grid for a few days this summer: And it was the best thing we ever did together. Enter finding Lost Prairie Guest Ranch, in Montana.
There is a Difference: Tantrums vs. Meltdowns
It took me years to realize that we should have outgrown tantrums by now. How did I not notice that stories of younger kids freaking out were the most relatable to me? Then, I was told about the difference between meltdowns and tantrums and something clicked.
An Open Letter to Friends About Our Son’s Autism & Giftedness Diagnosis
Hunter has high-functioning autism (formerly known as Aspergers) and is highly gifted
Bathroom Sneak Peek
Seeing Hunter's spa-like bathroom downstairs made me want to renovate the bathroom upstairs.
Library Rooster
You could rent roosters from the library. Each one of them had a coloured tag that clipped around their leg in a little circle. My...
Stress Skin & Renovations
I have been deep into renovations, both downstairs and upstairs, as well as trying to declutter our home life and the stuff in storage! We have been renovating our 290 square foot
To All The Outcasts: A Cry Against Gender Inequality.
We often focus on how girls are affected by gender stereotypes but I've seen how it can affect both sexes. I have a son and a daughter who have both been labeled "unconventional" in their own ways. In some....