I was as disappointed as Isabella that she was starting her first year of high school- Grade 7(!)- during COVID-19. We are cautious over paranoid, so it wasn’t fear that was getting to us. And both my daughter and I were aware the precautions existed for good reason (shoutout to…
Our Fave Resources to Better Understand ADHD
My daughter has recently been diagnosed with ADHD. It presents differently in girls, so is often wrongly diagnosed as...
The Best Way to Describe ADHD
I was listening to the Tilt Parenting Podcast (Episode TPP 144) and heard psychotherapist Dr. Sharon Saline describe ADHD in a way I could finally understand:
An Open Letter to Friends About Our Daughter’s ADHD & Giftedness Diagnosis
The past year has been a whirlwind of “secret” appointments for our family. Why? We were getting Isabella assessed,