• A Place for Everything

    I am organizing my life today! De-cluttering, filing papers, and making lists.  October is going to be a big month for me: I have resolved to soothe my financial worries and I’m determined to fix my gut health.  So, today, I typed up lists of approved foods on the diet…

  • In Sickness and In Health.

    It's time to take my power back. It's time to give myself permission to move forward. Enough of feeling powerless and hopeless. I wake up frustrated and feeling defeated. Also, I have been jealous of everyone's everything lately, a sure sign that I'm feeling stuck and need to change things-…

  • It Happens Sometimes When the Weather Changes.

    Today was not great. It wasn’t a good day, health-wise. Sometimes I have to adjust my whole day around my health and it’s really frustrating.  The weather called for rain- the perfect day to clean! Right? Wrong. My health tanks sometimes when the weather changes. When I woke up, I…

  • Surviving Gluten-Free Life (Not a Love Story)

    Let’s be honest. Being gluten-free is hard. Being gluten-free, dairy-free, and gut-friendly is harder! I know it’s easier than 10 years ago, but I still have little tantrums about it.  I’m sick of buying “all” produce, not being able to have a burger on a gluten-filled bun, and ALWAYS PAYING…

  • Why I’ve Had to Give Up Coffee

    Coffee. That single word can bring up so many memories- maybe of parents or grandparents drinking it, maybe of a special coffee date or maybe as recent as this morning when you were brewing your first cup. I know that my first thought when my alarm goes off is,”I can’t…

  • I’m Sick of Feeling Sick!!

    You guys, I don’t know why I do this to myself. I get my health back on track and feel great, then I backslide. WHYYYYY?! I’m so sick of feeling sick. I did an 8 week stint of eating clean and slowly adding foods back into my diet.  I felt…