Organizing Collections and Letting Ideas Flow.

I am supposed to be working. I am supposed to be writing some articles to submit, paying my bills and doing my online course. But I can’t settle into it because my bookshelf is untidy. Also, I see a dust bunny on my floor, and my cabinet is too crowded. I’m having one of those scattered days where every little piece of dirt is a distraction. When my house becomes messy, I literally CANNOT focus on work. I see all of these crowded creative spaces online where they say the “method is in the madness”- you know the ones, paint everywhere or pens crowding out the desk’s work-space or papers in piles- and know that I would never get anything done in those rooms. I am a tidiness freak and love very organized coziness….in theory anyway. I swoon over those rooms you see on Apartment Therapy, where the person has a huge collection displayed but the room still feels organized and airy. I think that kind of thing makes a house feel like a home.     “Today, I moved a basket to a different corner of our living room and it opened up so much space! I felt as if I had opened up more room to breathe- is that silly or do you relate? I took a big cleansing breath as soon as I had moved it over!!”     In my own home, I still feel that I have a bit too much stuff and I can’t work if something feels crowded or out of place. Maybe it’s just that we don’t have the proper placement for some of it. Today, I moved a basket to a different corner of our living room and it opened up so much space! I felt as if I had opened up more room to breathe- is that silly or do you relate? I took a big cleansing breath as soon as I had moved it over!!       Granted, we only downsized in August, so we are still working out storage, organization and how we move around each room… but slowly we are getting it right (slow for me, anyway). There are things that we do need to store and can’t get rid of: our sports equipment, our board games, our exercise weights, and my crochet stuff. For all of that, I am going to have to buy shelves and find a spot for them. Other stuff- like the clothing I don’t wear or books the kids have outgrown- is being donated. But today, my goals weren’t that lofty. I just wanted to organize the candles on the top of our bookshelf and find a better spot for my favourite plant. Well, you know how that goes! I moved one thing off the shelf and went to put it on the desk….then I decided I should change the pen holders on the desk…but then one of those had to go in the china cabinet….which led to me EMPTYING the china cabinet and starting over with organizing it. So, two hours later, my desk and living room (aka my office) is clean enough to work in- but I can hear the kitchen cabinets calling me… it’s ALWAYS a snowball effect for me. How about you?   Ah the trappings of working from home. Sometimes it’s a blessing wrapped in a curse. Does anyone else have this problem? Or do you prefer a more chaotic workspace? Let me know in the comments!  Follow these links to keep reading:  Living Room Reveal The 5 Best Articles On Minimalism Capsule Wardrobe: Attempt #3