Quirky Rom-Coms to Watch While Wrapping Presents.
Hello friends. I know, a lot of lists lately! If you are as busy as I am this holiday season, I hope you are enjoying the quick reads. Today I wanted to share my movie picks for wrapping presents. (While your kids are IN BED. None of these are child-friendly, FYI). If you have already watched all of your favourite holiday-themed movies (It’s a Wonderful Life!) and binge-watched all of your fave television shows (I just finished Gilmore Girls), then here are some (perhaps unconventional) feel-good movies that put me in the Christmas spirit while I wrap presents every year, because sometimes you need more in the background than Christmas carols. TRUE ROMANCE (1993) My favourite movie written by Quentin Tarantino. It checks all the boxes: quirky, sweet, romantic, bloody, action-filled, suspenseful, funny and dramatic. Tony Scott did an impeccable job as director and this offbeat romance comes off as endearing rather than hokey. True Romance has been one of my favourite movies since it came out. I love how in love the two main characters, Clarence (Christian Slater) and Alabama (Patricia Arquette), are throughout this movie. After watching this movie, you will crave pie and kisses. Love makes the world go round and the Christmas wrapping go faster. AMELIE (2001) Amelie is one of the cutest movies around about an introverted quirky loner girl looking for friends and love. The sets are gorgeous, the characters memorable, and the story endearing. This movie makes me wish I could speak French fluently! Amelie has influenced fashion and haircuts everywhere – even today. One of Audrey Tautou’s best roles, even if she has done meatier roles since. Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s vision will climb into your heart and take up residence there…in a joyous, optimistic and beautiful way. DOWN WITH LOVE (2003) Set in 1962, this musical stars Ewan McGregor (*sigh*) and Renee Zellweger and their unlikely love match. I saw this one in theaters. I figured it was a good bet since I adore musicals, Ewan McGregor AND Renee Zellweger. It’s colourful, fun and funny. Down With Love features spot-on costumes, crazy sets and funny situations. It is punny at times, with great songs, and makes fun of everything that would be relevant – including James Bond movies. It’s so much fun to watch. MR. RIGHT (2015) Critics hated it, and it made no money at the box office, but I adore this movie. Of course, it helps that I love Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick so much that if they stood for an hour and a half in a convenience store and just riffed back and forth I would be into that, too. I know, I am really selling this thing. Stay with me. Anna Kendrick is a loveable loser-at-love and hopeless-in-life type (aka, me before marriage), named Martha, that randomly meets a man (Sam Rockwell) who is instantly enamoured by her. He convinces her to spend the day with him and their instant rapport makes them a great match. Over the course of the day, they fall in love. (Could it be because of Sam Rockwell’s enchanting voice? I love his voice so much). It’s only after Martha is in too deep that she finds out “Mr. Right” is a hitman. It’s a really fun watch full of great banter and fun-looking baddies. I recommend watching it while tape gets stuck to your fingers and you are cursing the idea to get a triangle shaped present for your loved one. It’s on Netflix right now. So there you have it. Perfect present-wrapping entertainment in the form of quirky romantic-comedy movies. Their heart-warming messages of love should put you right in the Christmas spirit. I hope you get a chance to sit with your eggnog, tape, and presents and indulge in at least one of these adventures. Let me know if you do!
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