Tag Archives : yoga

Six Reasons to Do Yoga Every Morning.

If we want to be in a better mood and more productive throughout the day, we can use yoga to set the day on track. The benefits of yoga are well established but let’s look at why we should consider doing it in the morning.

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Waking Up Before the Sun

Awhile ago  I reported I would try to wake up before my kids for one full week and get a half hour workout done. It was really hard but… SUCCESS! Every morning was a struggle and some mornings I got out of bed much slower than others, but I found the time I gained in the evenings priceless. I only…

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A Family That Meditates Together, Stays Together.

So I downloaded a guided meditation app and my kids LOVE it. One day the little munchkins were little hurricanes of emotion. Hyper, angry, hyper, sad, hyper, more hyper, giggling machines, leave-me-alone! machines, hyper. At bedtime they were all over the map and even stories didn’t calm them down. My wonderful friend Shanna gave us LED rope lights and I…

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What Workout is The Best Workout?

I am back on the workout wagon! A break is exactly what I needed. It was a much needed area of repair and rejuvenate. The workout break was also prescribed by my physiotherapist, but sometimes you need to be told it’s okay to take a rest, or necessary. I have been doing my physio exercises and focusing on creating stronger…

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Tomorrow Might as Well be a Clear Day

A few things happened to me in the last bit that have changed my perspective on things. I feel as if I am in a better head space lately. I read an article that encouraged me to quit self-sabotaging and love myself, jiggly bits and all, and quit trying to “improve” myself. Instead, love yourself as you are and you…

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Early Resolutions

I have already been thinking of changes I want to make in my life. My life has been so busy that I haven’t had time to sit down and give myself a moment. Sadly, meditation has also fallen by the wayside. My mind’s thoughts always seem to start with, “If I had a bit of time I would…” so I…

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