Tag Archives : terry wahls

A Place for Everything

I am organizing my life today! De-cluttering, filing papers, and making lists.  October is going to be a big month for me: I have resolved to soothe my financial worries and I’m determined to fix my gut health.  So, today, I typed up lists of approved foods on the diet plan I have chosen, which is the Wahls Paleo Plus…

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Sometimes all you need to lift your mood is some pretty soap and a hot shower.

Depressed? Internet Mood-Boosters!

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and I spent part of the day doing some self-love rituals. A package came for me the day before (perfect timing!) of some bath products I was being gifted, so I decided to have a long hot shower and use the bar soap. (I promise to put a full review later of every product, even though…

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