Tag Archives : staying motivated

Being Attached to Fear.

I get attached to STUFF. Sometimes it is the memory of buying it. The anticipation of it being yours. Or it is the memory of the person that gave it to you. If it was someone special or a defining moment in your relationship when you received it, that only makes it more special. I have tons of “special” moments…

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Breaking Through Workout Boredom

I used to be under the impression that when you found a workout you liked, that got results, you stuck with it. Maybe, once you felt up to it, you added in some other activities on the side; spin class, hiking, rock climbing or soccer. Your daily grind would remain to keep you up for those other activities. Some people…

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How To Find Your “FitFam”

It is raining outside after a long week of harsh heat and sunlight. Here in Calgary, we were not accustomed to the sudden heat. Spring to sudden desert-like weather made most of us cranky! Now it is, mercifully, gray and raining. The weather is cool and the ground is getting the moisture it so desperately needs. I have been dragging…

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How To Deal with Toxic People

Friends, we have all dealt with toxic people before. In our workplace, random strangers, our family, our friend group, our schools…. and introverts or overly sensitive and kindhearted people are the easiest targets. It’s a jungle out there, and we all are slaves to our cave-person tendencies. Toxic people are predators that can sniff out a willing victim from miles…

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Working Out: Alexa Jean Fitness

    For the first time ever, I spent money on an advertised workout. I bought an ab workout off of Instagram with my friend and we are keeping each other motivated to finish the full 30 days. The workout is Sore to the Core by Alexa Jean Fitness. Shockingly, along with changing my eating habits, it’s working!! I can’t…

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Why I Love Weight Training

This is our weight bench. It sits in front of the treadmill and my myriad of inspirational posters when I’m working out. When I hang out with the kids down there; after the weight bench has been pushed up against the wall again to make room for toys, I read those posters and it gives me actual motivation. So they…

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An Alternative Exercise Mix

I started doing exercise and running after a month long break. Between running days I lift weights on our weight bench in the basement. I definitely prefer the weight lifting days! I do cardio to round it out, of course. I always dread my cardio days but after it is all done I feel so much better, and it ends…

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