Tag Archives : routine


What Does “Highly Sensitive Children” Mean?

Isabella is talkative and opinionated, quick to argue her point or get angry about the injustices of the world (she has a temper). She gets mad when upset- and confrontational. Hunter is quietly talkative, quick to hide in his room and draw or play Lego, and wants a hug when there is unfairness apparent to him. He gets tearful and…

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When Schedules Change

Hello friends. How are you this Monday? Over here, we are still adjusting to the new schedule. I don’t know if I mentioned it, but my husband just got a new job (yay!!), and he started last week. It turned our whole schedule upside down. Our weekend was super busy so it was harder to jump back into the new…

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Why I Want to Cry When My Alarm Goes Off

I am NOT a morning person. I never have been. I take about two hours to feel like my eyes are fully open and I often feel energized at night time. Night time is when I suddenly feel the urge to start giant craft projects or when I have my best writing ideas. My daughter calls me Snorlax, the famous…

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How I Went from Frazzled to a Routine

I have such a routine now that I am back and it is the New Year (lucky number 13). Well, in between the unpacking and getting rid of Xmas recycling….I have started to pin down a routine. Which is exciting because normally I am the most unorganized and frazzled person! Mornings. Husband wakes up with the kids. They start breakfast…

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