Tag Archives : INFJ

Vacation vibin' at Huntington Beach, California

Pain is My Middle Name

My IBS pain ended up with me in the walk-in. Since IBS has never caused me that much suffering, I thought maybe it was a bladder infection. Josh said, “Oh it might be an infection…or one of your million of other ailments that cause you pain”. And I thought, “Yup, Pain is my middle name”. My gut has caused me…

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Why INFJ Personalities Often Feel Like Outsiders

INFJ personalities account for less than 1% of the population. It stands for Introverted, INtuitive, Feeling and Judging. This weird mix of traits means that an INFJ often feels like an outsider. Since INFJ are intuitive introverts, they can feel they are one step ahead of everyone and an observer. They can use their keen observational skills and “spidey senses”…

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During vacation in Cali, free from obligations. How do I keep the vacay vibes last? Help. (http://babblingpanda.com/)

Keeping it Together

I have a confession to make- since vacation I have felt overwhelmed. I know I owe you vacation stories, and I promise they’re on their way, but right now I want to talk about “real life”. It’s hard for me to admit I am just keeping it together and that I may have a bit too much going on. I…

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