Tag Archives : food intolerance

Vacation vibin' at Huntington Beach, California

Pain is My Middle Name

My IBS pain ended up with me in the walk-in. Since IBS has never caused me that much suffering, I thought maybe it was a bladder infection. Josh said, “Oh it might be an infection…or one of your million of other ailments that cause you pain”. And I thought, “Yup, Pain is my middle name”. My gut has caused me…

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How to Lose Weight: Without Dieting or Extra Exercise.

My gut was always healthy as a kid. I could eat anything, and did. Since my bout with severe food poisoning a couple of years ago, I have suffered from destroyed villi and a severe gluten intolerance. (You can read about the history of that here , where I optimistically predict 6 months gluten-free). After awhile of being gluten-free, I started to…

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Food Intolerance and Its Relationship to Age

Since I am waiting for the paint on my nails to dry, and it is as exciting as it sounds, I thought I would ramble for a minute before I start supper. I talked to my doctor about my food intolerance issues and she basically said, “Of course. You are getting older. Your body chemistry is changing and you can’t…

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