Tag Archives : better health

My Daughter’s Confidence.

My daughter is amazing. She is smart, fiery, caring and forward-thinking. She is a champion of causes and a voracious reader. She can be opinionated and is quick to anger, but those propel her forward instead of letting her give up. A professional once told us she is, “Highly attuned, highly sensitive and impulsive” and was quick to point out…

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Giving Less of A F*ck.

In 2018, I’m making some changes. Not resolutions. But big changes out of necessity. My body can tell when I’m unhappy and depressed- it gives up on me. My skin gets bad, my knees give out, colds last forever, my muscles hurt and my sleep suffers. I am a mess. I am sick of being a mess. So, 2018 is…

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5 Ways I Fight Anxiety & Depression

This year has been a lot. That’s the best way I can describe it- just a lot going on. It has been more frantic and busy and emotional than other years so, of course, my anxiety and depression have been higher than other years. Fortunately, I don’t rely on meds as I did in my teens and my early twenties,…

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Astronauts and Angels

My son went to his very first funeral for his six-year-old peer. It is a sentence I never thought I would say and it is with a heavy heart that I write this. Hunter dressed in a homemade prince’s crown and his knight costume, as he was both to B, who passed away. Inside the Chapel was a table with…

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