How Long Does It Take Food To Spoil?

We have all been guilty once or twice of leaving food out too long or forgetting about the dinner leftovers in your fridge. It’s too easy for food to get pushed to the back of your freezer or pantry and left for months to come. This is especially true with a big family or household and lots of hands involved in the grocery shopping. Too often, there’s gray area on how long food, like meats, eggs, or starches can be stored.

To help clear things up, Kitchen Cabinet Kings created a guide that outlines how long it takes for common household foods to go bad in your pantry, fridge, or freezer. It’s helpful to not only start fresh with your kitchen clean out but keep better track of foods you store with labels or an organization chart. You can reduce food waste, save yourself money by not throwing away food, and most importantly, avoid getting sick! Check out their infographic below for a full breakdown of common foods and how long they take to spoil.

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