Monthly Archives : September 2018

How Long Does It Take Food To Spoil?

We have all been guilty once or twice of leaving food out too long or forgetting about the dinner leftovers in your fridge. It’s too easy for food to get pushed to the back of your freezer or pantry and left for months to come. This is especially true with a big family or household and lots of hands involved in the grocery shopping. Too often, there’s gray area on how long food, like meats, eggs, or starches can be stored.

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A Place for Everything

I am organizing my life today! De-cluttering, filing papers, and making lists.  October is going to be a big month for me: I have resolved to soothe my financial worries and I’m determined to fix my gut health.  So, today, I typed up lists of approved foods on the diet plan I have chosen, which is the Wahls Paleo Plus…

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5 ingredient slow cooker recipes with printable recipe cards

Five Super-Easy Slow Cooker Recipes.

I don’t know about you, but I have a serious love affair with my slow cooker. As I write this, I have a chicken stew bubbling away in the kitchen, making the whole house smell delicious. There is nothing better than throwing stuff in a big pot and forgetting about it until supper-time! 

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How to Keep a Clean & Organized Fridge.

My fridge is a constant source of chaotic misery to me. I suck at keeping it organized! When my family puts things away, they never know where things go, so it quickly slides into a mess where things fall on you as you open the door. So I jumped at the chance to use Simply Self Storage’s guide to fridge cleanliness and organization. Read on for helpful tips!

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